Creating guitar patches

Hi guys, just started using GP and I’m really enjoying it so far.
I’m trying to do fiarly simple stuff but I haven’t been able to find an answer with reading or videos yet, was hoping you guys could help me.

What I’m trying to do is simply switch between patches, say, a clean and lead tone.
I’m thinking maybe have two VSTs wired in parallel and have a switch which will alternate which one is active? I tried doing that with the panel but I could only seem to turn them on and off together.

Secondly, once I sort that out I am hoping to be able to switch between the patches with a USB foot switch, not MIDI. This one in particular inputs the letter b on the keyboard; is there any way to set it so that ‘b’ changes between patches?

Thank you very much

Or switching certain settings within a VST to get different tones would work for me too

Hi @seaningtime, welcome.

A good midi foot controller will be a great investment with GP. With the one you have at the moment, when you press it, do you see [B] show up in the header area of GP? Which will indicate that GP is registering it as a key press.

yes it does

The flexibility with the ‘GP Script’ feature in GP means that you can have a simple script to convert that to e.g. rackspace up and down. Is there another switch that sends another key (for you to go up/down)?

No, I only have one switch and it only does one button

  • From the “Window” menu, select “Show Gig Script Editor”.
  • Paste this in, then click “Compile” at the bottom. You can then close the script window.
On Keystroke matching "b" Description "Next"

This will move forward through any variations and rackspaces you have.


Nice, that is working for me.

Is there anyway to change settings within a VST using this coding?

The widgets are the key requirement for getting the plugin parameters to change between each variation.
You add a button or knob, then using the Mapping section to link it to the plugin and parameter you want to change between the variations.

The manual is a great resource when starting out. There’s also some great introductory videos on YouTube if that’s the way you’d prefer to learn.

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My preferred setup is to stick with one guitar rig per rackspace e.g. Fender 1x12 in one rackspace, and Marshall 4x12 in another.

Each rackspace will have a Clean, Crunch, Lead (and sometimes Clean + Delay, Lead + Delay etc).

Then I use the Setlist/Song feature to combine those depending on the Song e.g. your song might use the Clean Fender for the verse, and the Marshall Lead for the chorus. Using BOTH the rackspaces and the songs feature in GP provides the most flexibility.

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I’ve been trying to find videos and reading the manual but perhaps it’s over my head, I don’t have much experience coding

No coding needed for all core GP functionality. What is your primary guitar plugin? There may be some template gig files set up by others that you can use as a starting point.

My main guitar plugins are Neural DSP. But I’m also doing vocal processing which makes it slightly more complicated