Create your own plugins using Pure Data (Pd)

Does this thing support “inlets”? I.e, how can I receive incoming MIDI messages?

Edit: I realize I can define an “inlet” object by typing (how quaint) but does it receive messages from a MIDI In block?



Yes, there are objects to define midi in (and specific message types) and audio in.

Adding an empty object and starting typing will give an autocomplete list



EDIT: this image has the channel and velocity labelled incorrectly!



All other MIDI senders and receivers function like this as well. Among them are “pgmin”, “bendin”, “touchin”, and “sysexin”.

Taken from:

Hmm, where’s the equivalent of [midiparse] and [midiformat]?

It is so sad, that max/map is not easy possible to create VST.

Yeah, I know — that’s why I created all those abstractions to be able to talk to Max easily from GP and vice versa. I’ve never been a fan of PD - it’s very hard to use as it doesn’t have any of the “usability” that is in Max but it’s still better than nothing.

PlugData, now ‘Supported by Deskew Technologies’. You have my attention…. :grin:


Yes, Deskew is credited :slight_smile:


It’s had a large update - lots of fixes, and even the midiparse and midiformat objects that @dhj requested!


Thanks @rank13

Ive been on break atm and dont start gigging again until the 6th of March (all the covid stuff on/of fhas made Australia pretty ugly and ungigging; loving Denmark and might be time to move hehe) but will get back into it (gig refinement) next week (actually doing location recording atm ie string quartets etc…Vivaldi getting quite a workout but only acoustic gigs)

Appreciate the find…looks like its come quite a way and now I can solve any issues in a very familiar way.

TBH Everything in GP is humming for me but I never did get all the midi gesture stuff ported into GP…now there is no excuse.
All the best.

Try to compile the rep, but get stuck with the command:

cmake … (the generator can be specified using -G"Unix Makefiles", -G"XCode" or -G"Visual Studio 16 2019" -A x64)

Is this syntax compiling for mac?
cmake -G"XCode"

This lead to an error…

The latest 0.3 was just released, so best use the already compiled versions from the download link above (expand the assets section).

thanks a lot, rank13, got it.

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I’ve released a few new updates since then, the new version (v0.4) should be much nicer to use with GigPerformer. It has up to 16 audio in/outs, 512 automation parameters and much better stability. It also includes the whole cyclone library, making it more comfortable to use for Max users.


That is just brilliant….can’t wait to try it out