Crash Every time I save

Something has gone wonky with my main gig file. At this point, it opens just fine, but any time I make the slightest of any change to it and save, it crashes. I’ve even deleted the entire last rackspace I added and no better luck.

It originally happened when I tried to copy and past a couple of soft synths from one rackspace to another. Then when I went to save, I got the crash. Now, as I said, I crash no matter what I do and then try to save.

What info should I gather or what should I try to figure out what the problem is? I’ve sent the crash reports, but I don’t know that they tie back to me, 5.0.28 Windows 10.

Please advise. Thx!

can you upload the gig file, I could check on Mac if the gig file maybe is corrupt?

You can upload the crash log.

Yes, please upload the crash file here.

What happens if you try to save it with a different name, does it still crash?

OK - tried a “save as” and same result. Uploading crash report here. (502.4 KB)

I seem to have got it working again. What I did was go to all my rack spaces, the last 8 or 10 of them or so that I had built, and did the individual saves/update for each Rackspace. After that the overall save seemed to work again. I have no idea why that worked. I’d still love to hear anything we find in the crash report I sent.

Interesting — this is crashing in the VCRUNTIME DLL

Will look further - did something change or update on your machine?


Nope … I have all automatic updates off and I have not done any manual updates for quite a while. I assume you mean the Windows system itself.

The latest runtime library download is here:

@dhj You might check memory. I seem to have similar problems when my gig file exceeds 32M, which coincidentally is how much physical memory I have and may or may not be a contributor. I have also noticed that when I close GP with a gig file of that size, I have to reboot the computer to get GP to start up again. All seems related to gig file size though. Smaller gig files cause me no problems at all.

You mean 32 GB?

What is the size of your gig file?

almost 23 M (Meg - yes) on disk

That is not huge.

So - I sopke too soon about being “in the clear”. While it is true that saving worked fine at the end yesterday as described, when I came back in today, I get an error at the very end of the loading process. I have attached that dump below.

Here’s the odd thing, On a whim, I turned on predictive loading and it loaded fine. I went through every single rackspace and had no problems - all loads, plays, saves just fine. But if a I quit, go back in, turn OFF predictive load, then I get the error. This is what is in the below zip. (460.7 KB)

Yes, 32 GB, not MB. At least I didn’t say 32k. Part of the downside of being older than dirt.

I struggle with trying to provide enough detail without being excessively verbose. My observation is more memory than actual file size. My gig file size is “102,235 KB”. When GP has loaded that file, task manager claims GP has consumed 25,646 GB. Perfmon claims I have 1,629 MB available. This is on Win11.

It should be noted that I have the same gig file on my Win10 backup machine which only has 16 GB physical memory and I’m not having any problems with it.

I hope this is helpful. I certainly don’t mean to send you on a wild goose chase, snipe hunt, chasing rabbits, whatever your particular cultural equavalent is. :slight_smile:

Sounds like you’re running out of RAM again. @Dadi will take a look at the crash report but given that it is ok with predictive loading turned on, that really does suggest an out of memory issue

@kbmatson ,
I’ve checked both crash logs, I strongly suspect the crash is related to Waves CR8 plugin.
Can you please try to remove it and check if the crash is reproducing?
Also please try to replace it with a VST3 version instead of VST.

Regarding VCRUNTIME140.dll, it is definitely not related to the issue.
It is a standard library DLL and probably its caller passed faulty parameters into it.

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Can you narrow down which instance / Rackspace of CR8 is the culprit? I use it in a number of places.

I don’t think there is any way to know which instance is causing the issue

Correct, I have no information of which rackspace it is related.