CPU Usage while no sound

That’s what I mean … I didn’t know you can access these files on your Mac until TODAY. :sweat_smile: When a crash occurs, you only get the option to send to Apple on that error message. I had no idea I could send it also to you … This Community is amazing

According to this crash, something is explicitly terminating Gig Performer.

Can you reproduce this?

Not at all … Nothing specific is causing it.

As I said before; I may be programming something at that moment or I may even come back from lunch and I find the Apple error message onscreen.

It doesn’t seem to be anything that I can say “Right, I won’t do THAT again” or “I won’t load that plugin or instrument again” etc etc…

At that time Gig Performer was the only running Application?

ALWAYS … I don’t use this computer for anything else and I only connect to wifi when I have to send you a screen capture or file or whatever

Hmm, I wonder if you have a plugin that has a memory leak?

and how can one find that out?

Maybe I can send you a list of all plugins that I use. You may have experience with some of them and recommend NOT using them

Unfortunately we have no way to evaluate plugins or to know which ones might be having a problem, if that is indeed what’s going on. You might want to try monitoring RAM usage to see if it’s going up by itself.

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Ok… will try all sorts once I have more time to other than programme

Thanks to all

Hi all…

Ever since I have been placing common instruments /fx into global, the higher the audio CPU gets.

Is this normal?

Before this, I used to load the same instruments into each rackspace, thus using more ram, but the Audio CPU levels were roughly about 15 - 25% on a large rackspace.
Now, using just the same piano and pad can reach about 20%.

I’m getting worried because I’ve spent so much time moving things to global thinking it would be better but I’m finding that it’s in fact worse in that sense.

I’m using less ram but CPU cycles are sky high

Any thoughts?

Of course…everything in the global rackspace stays active all the time unless you explicitly bypass them so the more stuff you out in there, the more CPU cycles in the audio thread you will use.

One if the most important reasons for using regular rackspaces is that only the plugins you need “now” are in specific rackspaces and are active so when you switch rackspaces, the plugins in the previously used rackspace are disabled (think of this as automatic bypass) and don’t take any audio cycles,

But I have explicitly made panels for each instrument in global which controls them from local and another panel that is just for bypassing them all whenever none are not being used at all.

But for some reason, rackspaces that were about 10% CPU, now are 25%, just because they are accessing one of those instruments in global.

Hmmm — Very surprising :face_with_monocle:

Hi, @dhj .

I had another, “out of the blue” crash this morning… I just clicked on a fader to change its volume. I send you the error report message to hope you can fathom this out.

I’m getting a bit worried because the tour is about to start at the end of April and I’m starting to see weird things happen.

GigPerformer4-2024-03-16-094625.ips.zip (39.9 KB)

This is exactly the same error as before — something is killing the program.

Are you running the Intel version or the Universal version of Gig Performer?

Is there any difference between Intel and Universal version?
I am using universal version (I think) but my Mac has an intel processor!

I need to know for certain which one you are running to be able to examine the crash report properly

  1. I dont remember what version I download and installed. I think I downloaded the universal version (believing it would be more compatible) because I have it on my downloads folder. Is there anyway I can know for sure what version I have?

  2. I just had a sudden crash (GP instantly shutted down) when changing from one rackspace to another. Probably a different case comparing to Miguel. Could you take a look at it?

GigPerformer4-2024-03-17-194228.ips.zip (31.5 KB)

Can you reproduce this? This report is identical to the one from @Miguel earlier in this thread.

Something very strange going on here but there currently isn’t enough information to track it down.

Can you please open a terminal window, paste in the following command and post the result that comes back?

shasum -a 512 /Applications/GigPerformer4.app/Contents/MacOS/GigPerformer4


I’m not at home now. As soon as I can I will do it and let you know.