Count to 5 plugin equivalent

Hey folks - has anyone come across anything that can be added to GP that functions in a similar way to Montreal Assembly’s Count to 5 pedal? Especially if it’s got the same minimal number of controls and generative capabilities. Thanks in advance…

What is that? What does it do?

It can cook coffee

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What about this?

Blue Cat’s Late Replies plugin is very deep, but more complex. The newest updates have assignable macro knobs that could probably pretty exactly emulate the knobs on the Count to 5, but it would take a little time. And of course you could actually use widgets in GP to make it even more exact…

(Edit: Replicas looks more like Count to 5 and is a lot cheaper than Late Replies!)

Some excellent suggestions - thanks folks - much appreciated. If and when I get round to exploring these I’ll post back if I get any meaningful results. Thanks again :slight_smile: