Copying Widgets to a new panel in a Rackspace

Is it possible to copy widgets from one panel to another (within the same Racksapce) while keeping all the attributes?
I have a panel for the 8 channel mixer, so with 4 sets of levels/meters/transpose etc widgets. I need to add 2 more instruments.
I also have a template for the 16 Chanel mixer, with 8 sets of widgets. Id like to copy and paste the first 4 sets of widgets in to the new panel and not have to link them all again.

Still learning.

I think the answer is “no” (unless something has changed I am unaware of). You can copy and paste the widgets, but you will have to map them again.


If you drag the widgets (which unfortunately you can only do one at a time), then all attributes (including the plugin and parameter mapping) should stick.

For the use case of the OP, you’d want to copy the widget into the same panel first, and then drag the copy to the new panel, Otherwise, you won’t retain the original in its own panel.

Shows what I know! :flushed:

I don’t think that works - when you make a copy (as opposed to drag), the plugin parameters are not remembered.

Ah, right.
So there’s no way to copy widgets from one panel to another and keep mapped attributes, you can only move a widget from one to another, not keep it in both.

So, if you “drag” the widgets, do you lose them in the original rackspace?

If so, maybe duplicate the full rackspace. Then you can drag the widgets from the extra redundant rackspace?

[I may be missing something here!]

Thanks all.
David was spot on, it has to be done one at a time. I can’t see anyway of dragging more than one widget across the panels.
All sorted.

FWIW, improving this stuff is on our list.