Computer Effects CE1 (for Windows only)

I’ve seen this on Youtube. Had anyone tried this one? It looks interesting. Also, they feature Gig Performer.

Here’s the link of their website:


Looks interesting, and the price seems surprisingly low considering it’s a full PC, audio interface, screen, and footswitch all in one unit.

I like the idea of running GP in a unit like that for a small self-contained guitar or bass pedalboard rig.

The thing I’m wondering is how could I run GP in there and have the screen show me exactly what I want to see and be readable from standing distance. Showing a rackspace or setlist view wouldn’t be what I want.

My first inclination would be to set up an OSC template with the things I need to see, and I like visual display and feedback for what’s assigned to my switches. I’d have to cook up something like that.

Alternately, I’d cut OSC out of that loop and build a GP extension that takes full screen control and becomes the entire interface. Probably not an insurmountable task, but not a trivial one either.

It does look very cool.

I see they have Igor Paspalj shown on their “Artist and User Showcase” page, so maybe @igorpaspalj has some experience to share. (Although they have a bunch of other products, so no idea if he’s even aware of this one.)