Chord Maker with Transpose block

Is it intended that:

Midi In → Midi Chord Maker → Transpose Block

will result in the same notes firing in the chord maker as:

Midi In → Transpose Block → Midi Chord Maker?

It would seem logical that these should create different results. The reason this matters is I sometimes make use chord maker to make big open chords but if I place the transposition block in anywhere in the chain, it will affect the input on Chord Maker. This is annoying if I’m playing songs in standard tuning sometimes and half-step down others. I mean I can just program more notes in Chord Maker but it can throw off splits and such.

If you put the transpose block after Chord Maker, then the note inputted into Chord Maker is the same, and the chord it produces will be transposed.—example: if you have C1 E1 and G1 mapped to a C1, then when you play a C1, Chord Maker will trigger that chord and then the Transpose block will transpose the whole chord.

If you put the transpose block before Chord Maker, then the note inputted into Chord Maker is transposed, so using the above example–if you play a C1 on your keyboard, it goes through the transpose block, and the note that Chord Maker recognizes will be transposed the amount you set in the transpose block. That means it is no longer triggering a C1 in Chord Maker, hence not triggering the chord that C1 is set up to trigger.

Okay, so I just tested it and woah, you are correct. I would have sworn that I checked for that several times before (and thus this thread) but apparently I had done something wrong as it’s working sequentially as you said. I really thought I was NOT getting that maker then transpose.

Thanks for reply.

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