Changing Omnisphere multis loading time in GP

Both , Gp has switching that plogue bidule and other vst hosts can’t do., I’m following Dhj’s path to edit combinations of patches in livemode thru an iPad touchscreen. So one multi, one song, many patches ,…the tutorial on osphere from Gp works, I’ve just not employed lemur to see how to program it.,

Lemur is nothing like TR Omni. Lemur is an application to let you create an arbitrary touch surface on an iPad that can send/receive MIDI and OSC messages to control pretty much anything you want.

Please see for info about Lemur. TouchOSC is a similar kind of application and there are many others.

Please note that Gig Performer exposes functionality (access to widgets, switching rackspaces, tap tempo and numerous other things) via OSC so that you can use any surface that supports OSC to control Gig Performer. And because of Gig Performer’s widget mechanism (that indirection to which I referred earlier) you can use an OSC surface to control needed parameters of any plugin.

I feel that there is some confusion about the basic Gig Performer concepts here.

I strongly suggest that you at least watch this short (4’:40") introductory video:

It may help round things up and allow you to think about your setup from a slightly different angle.

Thanx, I know this is belabouring, sounds like I can touch lemur to control the switch/widgets for different ‘parts’ in Osphere per rackspace , as right now tr Omni is not instance /rackspace specific

Yes using Lemur and GP and Omnisphere you can multi-touch eight parts on/off simultaneously, without variations or rackspace changes if that’s what you want to do. You can do this over Wi-Fi or over a cable if you want a highly reliable setup.

Awesome !,if that’s true, cause as soon as 5 instances in 5 rackspaces have the same vst instrument ( O sphere), if lemur can distinguish them, that’s a shortcut, I use a ad hoc connection, so it’s good, what hard connection do u use on a laptop pc to iPad to connect lemur

Lemur doesn’t know anything about the plugin instances (at least not with the basic example template that I created). It knows about knobs and widgets in the current rackspace.

But knobs and widgets in individual rackspaces are connected to plugin parameters in those respective rackspaces. So when you switch to another rackspace, the knobs/widgets will reflect the associated plugin parameters of that rackspace.

Lemur will get a refresh of whatever widgets are in the newly activated rackspace and so will see whatever state the widgets are in.

Right, I thought you’d still need the widgets , but that is an advance if lemur can recall each rackspace

An advance over what? Gig Performer has had OSC support from day 1. This is the way the product was designed to work.
Also, please understand that Lemur is not equivalent to OmniTR. The latter is a specific app with (just) support for Omnisphere. Lemur is a platform (as is TouchOSC) inside of which you can design your own control surface. The templates we did for Lemur and TouchOSC are just intended as examples of what can be done.

If you want to understand the complete potential of Gig Performer + OSC, please review our OSC implementation which is available at

An advance over tr Omni’s inability to get specific instances / rack space

Well, remember that Omni TR is a specific application designed to work just with Omnisphere.

Gig Performer on the other hand is a general plugin host designed to allow live performance musicians to manage all their plugins, it doesn’t play favorites.

I knew that, I run bidule, Gp is much better than that, ( except for the nerds), what I’m interested in is Lemur, hard wired with Gp

Btw, thanx so much for everything , you’ve spent a lot of time sorting this out, which means your awesome !