Changing Ableton Tracks via GP

Hi all,

My first post here and a relative newcomer to the wonderful world of Gig Performer.

I guess this question is really for @pianopaul but, naturally, if anyone else can help it would be greatly appreciated.

I have the Max4Live plugin installed and set up OSC which allows GP to control Ableton. I was wondering, though, if it would be possible, rather than changing rows in Ableton when choosing a song in GP, change the session view column instead?

With session view column you mean the track?

With this simple M4L patch it is possible.
But what is the use case?

Oh wow! Thanks for replying so quickly. And great to know it’s possible.

Yes, it was changing track I was referring to.

My use case is essentially triggering samples on a drum rack in Ableton via an Novation Launchpad and possibly in certain songs playing an Ableton specific instrument. In terms of the drum rack, I guess I could have all my samples contained within one large rack but it would be better (and reassuring in a live setting) not to have to remember which samples for specific songs were located on the Launchpad (hope that makes sense).

I haven’t had a chance to properly study the screengrabs you’ve kindly attached, but what specifically would I need to do to achieve changing track?

Many thanks :slight_smile:

Are you on Mac?
With Virtual MIDI it is possible to send a Note from GP to Ableton to trigger a Sample in Drum Rack.

Yes, on Mac :+1:

OK just use an IAC MIDI Out Block to send a MIDI Note from Gig Performer.
In Ableton select that same IAC as MIDI input and you are finished.

Or you use the GP Relayer plugin in Gig Performer and Ableton Live to send MIDI

Reminder, if you use IAC blocks, you must not use MIDI In (OMNI) blocks because you will create. MIDI feedback loop

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Ah cool! I’ll give that a shot. Many thanks for your help - you, sir, rock! :metal:

Yep, I get why that would be the case. Thanks! :grinning: