Change key using variations

Well that’s amazing and a bit strange - it worked!!

Thank you very much!

now - if only there was a “Replace Widget” command 78^)

What were you using before the knob widget that wasn’t working?

Switches/Toggles this is such a great solution because now I only need 1 Knob widget for any octave - thanks again.

I started this topic originally, and since then came up with an alternative solution. What I was going to do (but haven’t yet as I moved on to other things), was copy the sound producer, in this case Real Guitar, and then set the copy to the next key up. Then at the appropriate time, I would mute the original with the lower key and unmute the new raised key in the copy. I would have done this using midi commands sent from my iPad. This method would not have needed a variation change.

Here is a gig and it is working with a different widget.
Transpose.gig (4.1 KB)