CC to program change

i have a korg nanokontrol with programmable knobs that send cc I need to convert cc to prg change to change my rackspaces, is there a script that will do this? or other means

No need of a script for this kind of conversion. The GP MIDI filter plugin should do the job.

I had to same problem with my interface (Xsonic Xtone Pro). It only sends CC message as well. I ended up using the setlists/songs to accomplish the same thing. You can assign CC’s to each song part globally and each song part can be any rackspace or variation.

I don’t know if this makes sense or not, but I would suggest you give the part of the manual on setlists/songs a read. I think it actually worked out better than switching rackspaces directly.

Yes, @David-san is right

But I am not sure if this message converted to PC can switch rackspaces…

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Will try that later cheers

Hummm… you are probably right, it is perhaps « too late » to do this conversion when the CC already « entered » GP.

@ simusix2
Are you on Mac?

But one could use a 2nd instance of Gig Performer with just 1 rackspace.
Incoming CC Message is converted to PC and sent out to a virtual MIDI out,
In the 1st instance this virtual MIDI is enabled for program change messages.
This should work.

No on Windows 10