Bug report: (minor)- Kilohearts KHS Gate

Bug report: (minor)- Kilohearts KHS Gate
This has happened in several different GP5 projects, but not all the time.
The KHS Gate*dB meter is not consistent. It gets stuck. for a few seconds, eventually recovers.

win 10
nvidia GTX 1070

GigPerformer 5.0.28
CPU 35%

Have you reported it to the developer?

yes. No reply yet.


looks like the is an update, this might fix it.

2.3.1 - December 12, 2024



  • Fixed a problem that could cause input messages to not be handled for a period of time, making the UI of the whole DAW unresponsive.

Please let us know – it would have been very unusual for this to have been a GP issue

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