Bottom controls bug?

It seems that the bottom controls view when popped up (showing in and outputs) only works when in full global rackspace view. When switching to regular rackspace or setlist view, the controls do nothing. Is this a bug or am I missing a point?

What is the bottom controls view?
Can you post some screenshots?

This pop up at the bottom.

Ok and what is exactly the issue?

As I said before, when you are in regular rackspace view (“Panels”) and move the input or output sliders, they do nothing. They can be moved, but they do not actually adjust the levels. When switched to full global rackspace view, they work fine and adjust the levels as expected.

I cannot set any issue

I have the same issue but only with output, input works fine but maybe because my input is not in the global rackspace.

No issue with outputs when they do not go through the global rackspace.

My audio interface plugin is in the global rackspace, but if it’s just a shortcut, or is connected to the audio interface’s inputs and outputs,i would think it shouldn’t matter where the plugin is.

Oh yeah, same here. I can’t control output volume per channel in the bar at the bottom of the window. I always thought there was some trick to it that I just didn’t know but I never really needed it.

Now I can reproduce.
But is it really necessary to adjust levels at this point?

I think this is not really the question, as long as the controls are available, they should work.
…although I never needed them either.

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Not really, but for me it makes me aware of the complexity of programming and the feat of GP reliability

I think this controls are bound to the Audio device in the local rackspace.
When you switch to the global rackspace then they are bound to the global rackspace.

So as I can see it is working as designed.


Yes, it makes perfect sense.

My use case: I start up GP in setlist mode. I want to double check my input level is where I want it. I cannot do so from the setlist view. I need to click 3 times: to panel view, then global RS, then the bottom controls view. I don’t like doing that before every gig. If that control is set to link up with and control my input, it really shouldn’t matter what view I’m opening it from.

When the level is set correct, why do you have to check that before every gig?


Then add mixers or gain controls to your rackspaces. Those input/output levels were never intended for ongoing use….they should really just be left at 0dB and in fact that’s the main reason those controls are generally hidden and all you see are the meters to reassure that signals are actually passing thru.
In fact if we were starting all over again, we wouldn’t have even exposed those controls.

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I attempted to use it because it was there.
The irony is I didn’t think much of it until after increasing the level for a low output guitar and after switching the view noticed that the slider was back to default position so I thought it was adjusting levels on its own. It was confusing.

I agree with removing it completely since it’s either ignored by most users, or not really useful in it’s current configuration. Those small laptop and tablet screens will thank you for the extra 6mm! :smiley:

Where do you see the 6mm?

Depending on screen size it changes and perhaps it’s less. The point is…