Blue3 Organ Audio Outputs

The Blue3 Organ plugin has 4 audio outputs. I am wondering if it is possible to assign outputs 1 and 2 to the top keyboard (within the plugin), 3 and 4 to the bottom keyboard (within the plugin)?

I can’t seem to find any place within the plugin that allows you to assign outputs. Anyone have any experience with this?

Here is an image of the outputs.
Blue3 Outputs

From the Blue3 user manual:

Blue3 plugins actually have 2 stereo outputs, Main and Direct (not to be confused with the Cabinet Type, Direct). Your DAW will normally connect to the Main output which is connected to the Cabinet Type settings.

If your DAW allows, you’ll find a second stereo output called Direct, which is taken AFTER the Expression circuit and BEFORE the Tube Overdrive and Cabinet circuits. This is exactly the same as taking the direct output of a real vintage organ before going into a rotary speaker. This is where you can send Blue3’s output to any effects plugins you’d like and still have the Main Output working as you’d expect.


I use Blue3 and also wanted to route manuals for separate outputs. I can confirm that there is NOT a way to route manuals to different output channels within Blue3’s settings. Works as described in the manual notation above.

Workaround 1: If the manual you want softer is not using percussion, push the drawbars in to lower the volume.

Work around 2: Use two instances of Blue3 connected to a mixer to manage volume. You will also need to use midi constrainers to isolate the channels being routed to top and bottom manuals. Works but it’s a little too complicated if you ask me.

No you don’t need to do that - just use two MIDI IN blocks and and set one of them to only allow channel 1 and the other to only allow channel two (or if you’re splitting a single keyboard that sends everything on channel 1, then just map input channel 1 to output channel 2 in the second MIDI In block

Yep, that will work too.

Since this plugin is now owned by Cherry Audio you could always request that as a new feature. You never know…

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