[blog] The hidden power of the MIDI In block

Link: Gig Performer | The hidden power of the MIDI In Block

This article is now updated to match the current Gig Performer features.

Other useful posts:

[1] MIDI In block, MIDI Monitors, nice explanation - LINK


Loved the point about using host automation to change MIDI in block parameters in rackspace variations (and song parts)!

That is the fundamental paradigm of Gig Performer.


MIDI Merge tips! :slight_smile:

  1. Backstage episode → LINK

  2. Use case with the Auto Sampler → LINK

When your gig file has been set up for 88 keys – but you temporarily only have a shorter keyboard – on vacation, in the office, on the toilet

In this case you would use only one MIDI input whose transpose is controlled by a widget. You would then do the splitting with “fake” MIDI In blocks (like the MIDI In OSC) that are only used for key zones and filtering.
