Backing tracks - Relation to rackspaces and more

I’m sure my questions may have been asked and answered before, but I’m in a hurry, so I have the audacity to ask for some quick help :slightly_smiling_face:

For the first time I need to use some drum backing tracks. The last rehearsal for the gig is in a few hours, so I need to set this up in GP.

So far I’ve found that:
- I can use the Audio File Player plugin with the mp3 loaded in
- make widget buttons to start and stop the backing track manually

What I mainly wonder is:
- Do I need to have a separate rackspace for each song where I will use a backing
track, even if that should mean 30 different rack spaces for a gig where I use the
same sounds on lot of songs?
- If I have a song with multiple song parts; Will the backing track stop playing when
I change song parts?
- Should I somehow involve the global rack space in the process?


If you’re using songs/setlists and have more than one rackspace used in a single song, then it sounds like using the global rackspace would be necessary. I would also suggest the new Streaming Audio File Player.

This post has an example of linking songs/parts to a specific track in the Streaming Audio File Player.


Thx for the help so far!

For now I’ve been using the Audio Player.

I sat up three different songs with three different rackspaces, each of them having a button in the panel to start the track from the beginning, and a button to stop.

I have something happening on one of the songs that don’t happen on the other two. Luckily we will not be playing that song today.

What happens on the two songs functioning as I want it is this;

  • I go to the song in my set list
  • I push my start button
  • Track starts playing
  • If I move on to the next song (without using the stop button) the backing track fades out
  • When I at a later point move back to that song in the set list, the backing track is silent, and I just use my start button to start it from the beginning again.

What happens on the song NOT functioning as I want it is this;

  • I go to the song in my set list
  • I push my start button
  • Track starts playing
  • If I move on to the next song (without using the stop button) the backing track fades out
  • When I at a later point move back to that song in the set list, the backing track starts playing from where it was at when I moved away from the song.

What is causing this difference?

Who could tell…? We can’t look at what you’ve done, nor how you didi it.
Maybe if you tried to upload an example to examine? :wink:

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I know :slight_smile:

Gig in a few hours, so don’t have time to check it more for now.

But I’m relatively sure I did everything the same way for all three songs.

  • Copied the rackspace
  • Added the audioplayer and the buttons
  • Changed the song over to use the new rackspace

Thought, maybe, it was something that someone else had experienced too.

Well… maybe check the parameter connection.
Maybe you have used the “play/pause” function and not the “play from start”?

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Will double check, but anyway it shouldn’t start playing automatically.