Assigning a sticky note help

Hello, I’m new to Gig Performer and Mac.
I need a way to hold a single note with a single key press from my midi controller until I trigger it to stop.
I used Cantabile/PC for 7 years for my live performances and there is a “sticky note” function.
I searched around quite a bit and found nothing, so I am asking here.
Thank you in advance


This thread might help to start:


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Should the NOTE On message sent to a plugin ?

When the button is on The Note On message is sent out of the mapped MIDI In Plugin
and when the button is off the Note Off message is sent.

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Yes. Using plugins (arturia/OPX-Pro/etc)
There are several instances in our set where I need to hit a note that holds for a specific period of time.
In Cantabile I would hit the note on either my M-Audio 61 or Roland PK-5 then when I needed it to stop I would hit it again.

I will dive in this evening.
That looks like it will do the trick.
Thank you for helping this self proclaimed “midiot” out.


Thank you for your suggestion!

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Does the velocity of the note you play need to impact what is produced or is it just on/off?

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No. I just need the note to hold until I hit it again to stop it.

Thank you


Seems like I can get it to hold but not release.
I must be missing something.

Attached is a simple scriptlet that will do what you need. Just save this somewhere and drag it into a rackspace

As you can see from the monitors, every time I press C3 on a keyboard, it will toggle sending out a C1 (on) and C1 (off)
You can use the parameters to change what you press and what gets sent out

StickyNote.gpp_internal (3.1 KB)

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The problem with the direct widget solution proposed by @pianopaul is that it doesn’t toggle the way you need if you trigger with a note as when you release the note the button will pop out again.

The scriptlet will handle this

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That said, if you use @pianopaul 's approach and learn NoteOFF instead of NoteOn, it will work except the trigger will happen when you release the note rather than when you press it.

The scriptlet is probably a better solution for you

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And just like that. It works.

Thank you both for your help.


Which approach did you take?

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The scriplet!

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I’m having an issue assigning a sticky note as well. I assigned a note to an on/off widget. In Panel view when I click the switch on it works fine. But when I switch from the previous variation (when the sticky note widget is off) and then change to the next variation where the widget is activated, I here a quick blip and then silence. I attached a MIDI monitor to the MIDI In plugin where the note is coming from and it seems like the note-on message is being sent at the same time as an all notes off message.

I’m not sure why, or if it’s relevant, but the all notes off message isn’t being picked up on the general MIDI monitor but just the specific one I attached to the MIDI In plugin.

Any tips? thanks for reading!

Activate ignore variations for that widget

That wont work because I want the note to be triggered automatically via the widget at the start of a variation.

Can you upload a small gig file, so I could check the issue?