Yet another free major version update for Pigments. v6 has added some very cool new features! I even hear some Chromaphone in it. Available for download via the Arturia Software Center.
I installed it yesterday evening but hadn’t the time to try it.
Also the Arturia Software Center was extremely slow… took ages until it logged in and synchronized.
ASC is always slow. v6 took some time to download and install this morning. I already owned Explorations Bundle 1, so I only purchased Bundle 2 and the new Bundle 3 (for v6). Limited time pricing of 20 € for each bundle instead of 90 €. Each includes 3 preset packs of 150 presets each. So, bundles 2 and 3 gave me 900 new presets. They are registered in my account, but ASC isn’t showing them yet and I can’t see a way inside of Pigments to d/l and install them. Grrr. Arturia makes great products, but they don’t make it easy to get at them.
I had this (still do today). I almost reformatted my MacBook because I thought it was to do with me updating to sequoia at the weekend. Then it dawned on me it must be their servers.
Never had any issues with ASC before.
Love the new V6 bank of sounds, although have no real world use for Pigments. Love playing around with it though.
Yeah, most probably their servers have some issues (maybe too many people updating Pigments at a time?)
I also never had any issues before.
I finally figured out how to install the 6 Exploration sound banks from Bundles 2 and 3. You have to download them from the Store. Click on the “Owned” slider top right and all of your owned sound banks will display in “My Library”. The ones that are already installed have a checkmark in the upper righthand corner. The ones that need to be downloaded have a cloud with a down arrow instead of a checkmark. Click on that icon.
Sheesh. The installation instructions in the confirmation email are generic…for instruments and FX. Took the red pill on that one.
Installed and ready for use.
Maybe, I’ll watch here (and elsewhere) for a bit before updating.