Arturia Keylab Mk II - Control banks setup


Sometimes, too much possibilities can drive you crazy…

Tipps from my side to create your USER controls on a MkII

  • set the Keyboard and all your desired CCs to Ch2 (or higher) and route in the MIDI in block from 2->1…)
  • set the Pads to Ch10

With this you can provide your perfect layout for our performances in USER mode,
and create a rackspace with Analog Lab (or any other Arturia instrument) in ANALOG mode of the KeyLab MkII

You have full support of the Arturia Mapping within the Arturia instruments in this rackspace

Have a look at this wiring:

(Upper and Upper DAW are my rig name settings for the two KeyLab ports…)


My 3 banks provide different controllers for

  1. Synth controls like Cutoff, Resonance, ADSR
  2. Drawbars (what else…) Reverb, Drive etc. for Organ Playing
  3. mix controls for my zones, tap temp. playback etc.


BTW: some useful LED controls I provided here:

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