Arturia Keylab Mk II - Control banks setup

You might have read my little horror story from the trenches in this thread; :slight_smile:

Beware of dads with piano playing daughters :slight_smile: - Stories from the Trenches - Gig Performer Community

The good thing that came out of this, was me rediscovering that my Keylab in fact have three banks of controls. Having thought lately that I had a little to few controls for things I wanted to do, even thinking about purchasing some extra control surface, this was a great rediscovery.

One bank consists of 9 encoders(knobs), 9 faders and 9 buttons. So with getting all three banks connected to GP, I would have 27 knobs, 27 faders and 27 buttons. Now we’re talking :slight_smile:

I started out setting it up. I ran into a few hurdles, but nothing serious. Just wanted to make a little walkthrough for others to save some time searching for what may be wrong when they hit those hurdles.

  • Started by thinking about the naming of the extra controls I would get. I had already set up the controls I’d learnt in Rig Manager as KM1 to KM9 for my knobs, FM1 to FM9 for my faders and BM1 to BM9 for my buttons. (The M just tells me it’s my Main keyboard rig.)
    Should I call my new knobs KM10 to KM27? While I’m perfectly able to subtract 9 or 18 from a number to find out where those new knobs where to find horisontally, it would be a much nicer solution to set it all up as a matrix, the knobs in the first bank being named KMB1-1 to KMB1-9, the knobs in the second bank being named KMB2-1 to KMB2-9 and so on.
    But, but; How much work would it be changing those names in the Rig Manager?

Relax! Rig Manager is really your friend. I’m so glad I went for using it some time ago! You just have to click the three dots to the right of the control alias you want to change to find a rename option. And, the best thing of all; After having done all the renaming you want to, hit the Apply and Save in the Rig Manager window. This updates the control associations in all the widgets where the old names have been used. Nothing more to worry about.

  • Next; Found out that the bank 2 button had been down when earlier on learning the controls now named to belong to the first bank, the KMB1-1 and so on. Not really a big problem, but wanted to keep a good sytem in things so decided to relearn those controls.
    Again; With the Rig Manager this is done very quickly. Just took me a few minutes to double click my way through the list of aliases and moving the controls to get this done :slight_smile:

  • So, onto the task of learning the rest of the controls. I expected this to be straightforward. However, already at the 6th knob in bank 2 I ran into a problem. It would absolutely not accept learning it to CC40. Don’t really know why. However the real problem occured when I should learn the buttons in bank 2. They would not learn at all. Set up a MIDI monitor in GP and found that those contols where not set up with unique values from Arturia’s side. In the default Arturia setup, the faders of bank 2 and 3 share the same CC values and the buttons of all three banks share the same CC values. What to do?

First I started out looking for undefined CCs, But found that with all the contols I needed to learn, I’d be two free CC’s short :slight_smile:

Then I suddenly thought of the obvious solution, that I maybe ought to have thought of in the first place. I could just use different MIDI channels for the different bank. So, I decided to use channel 4 for bank 2 and channel 5 for bank 3. I decided to change the CC values so they where the same for the corresponding controls in bank 2 and 3 as in bank 1.

  • To get the above done you have to enter the Arturia MIDI Control Center. I advise, as you can see I have done in the below picture, to make your own template for Gig Performer. You do your changes in this template, then store it to a user memory. That user memory will show up with Gig Performer as it’s name in the Keylab display.


You just click the control you want to set CC value and MIDI channel for, like I have chosen Knob 1 in the picture below.


Then do the changes as in the following picture, in the Bank 2 and Bank 3 tabs, in the Channel and CC Number fields. Remember saving your settings :slight_smile:


After this, the learning of the controls went smooth. Just remember pressing the different buttons to the left of the controls in picture number 2 above to choose the right bank before learning.

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Sometimes, too much possibilities can drive you crazy…

Tipps from my side to create your USER controls on a MkII

  • set the Keyboard and all your desired CCs to Ch2 (or higher) and route in the MIDI in block from 2->1…)
  • set the Pads to Ch10

With this you can provide your perfect layout for our performances in USER mode,
and create a rackspace with Analog Lab (or any other Arturia instrument) in ANALOG mode of the KeyLab MkII

You have full support of the Arturia Mapping within the Arturia instruments in this rackspace

Have a look at this wiring:

(Upper and Upper DAW are my rig name settings for the two KeyLab ports…)


My 3 banks provide different controllers for

  1. Synth controls like Cutoff, Resonance, ADSR
  2. Drawbars (what else…) Reverb, Drive etc. for Organ Playing
  3. mix controls for my zones, tap temp. playback etc.


BTW: some useful LED controls I provided here:

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Thx for lots of ideas!

When you say ANALOG mode, do you mean chooosing the Analog Lab button? I think I don’t quite get what would happen. I thought you needed to be in User mode to get your GP CCs sent to GP.

Haven’t quite decided how to use the banks yet, but think I may go for something like this;

Bank 1: General controls in local rackspaces of different instrument parameters, maybe some mixing in the local rackspace
Bank 2: Mainly for organ. I have Blue 3. Will try to find a way to decide whether the drawbars control the upper or the lower, and whether I’m playing the upper or the lower
Bank 3: Controlling things in the global rackspace, like main volume, mixer and effects

I read your thread about the button light setup earlier today. Found it interesting and have already thought of implementing it sometime in the future.

Yes, I mean Analog Lab mode.

If you switch to this mode in a rackspace like the one I’ve shown above, you can navigate with the controls of the KeyLab MkII through the Arturia Plugin, also the Display Shows the corresponding content :wink:

It’s like you run any of the Arturia plugins in standalone mode, but inside GP

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So, the way I understand it you can’t combine with other VSTs in that rackspace, or do I misunderstand? You’ll have to change back to User to do that?

Yes, the intention for this rackspace was to use it as a standalone Arturia setup for my Upper keyboard (the Keylab 61 MkII) while I’m independent / flexible with the Lower board (Kurzweil Forte SE).

You can think of it as a “traditional” two board setup

Or, you can use this rackspace to browse through the Arturia Libs


I think the MIDI In Lower block confused me.

The MIDI Out blocks is just for handeling the lights? One in User mode and one in Analog Lab mode?

Aah, sorry: when browsing for sounds I sometimes like to play on the 88 - especially the E-Pianos :wink:
So: both keyboards in parallel (and in my case: only one Sustain pedal ion the lower board…)

So; Browsing the Analog Lab with the Arturia keyboard and playing the sounds on both? :slight_smile:

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