Arpegio Arpegiator

Many VSTs have built in arpegiators. Many do not. Is there a tool out there that works in GP that can sit between MIDI and VST that can take care of this? Or does anyone have a good solution for inserting arpegios when needed?

Here are a couple you could consider. (I think BlueArp (top one) is preferred).


I also use BlueArp with GP, and it is a very nice free arpegiator.

I’m always leery of free. It’s often a good way to get robbed. I assume there are lots of users not having any problems with this one.

I understand your caution. At least for Blue Arp, I think it is widely used around here.

But, perhaps wait for additional input to determine if you are comfortable.


Blue ARP has been around since 2012 and always free, but you can make a donation if you like it. The link is below.

I understand your concern about “free”, but Blue ARP has been around so long it has an extensive track record and numerous reviews. In addition, numerous YouTube video reviews and demos, so it’s easy to get an idea if it would work for you. Even though I have a couple of hardware arpeggiators and paid software based arps, I still use Blue ARP a lot.

thanks everyone. much appreciated. guess I will give the freebee a try.

I can also attest about BlueArp.

Although I came across an issue where the BlueArp would start playing the sequence I had cued up, WITHOUT me triggering it in Gig Performer. Whenever I switched to the song, it would sometimes start the Arp, and I couldn’t stop it without switching to another song. And when I switched back again, it would still be playing it.

I still have yet to nail down what the issue was, but I felt I should bring it up. This could have been a hung note issue from my MIDI controller for all I know. I’m still perplexed. I ended up simply making a sample of the loop I needed, and just triggering it with Audio Player.

That’s good to know. THX