Anyone using a laptop with 128 GB of Ram? (Windows)

Thanks, yep, I took a look at that (not sure if all the links were valid).

I guess this is sort of cutting edge (and therefore, cost an additional premium) at this point.

I really love not using predictive loading or having separate gig files for different bands. (I have 32 GB of ram, so I am better off than many).

Right now I am very happy with my set up. I have access to everything very quickly and it works.

But, as I add rackspaces, the amount of ram used on load up will inevitably increase.

Now when I started GP this morning, the task manager said 86%. Over time using GP this comes down a lot (last time I checked down to under 50%)

I am going to do a bit of an audit this weekend. I would not be surprised if I did some stupid stuff that increased ram usage. For example, in Kontakt, a lot of times I assumed that loading a new sound would replace the prior one. But, actually, that is not the case. So, I am going to check I all my Kontakt rackspaces to look whether I have multiple extra loaded sounds (I hope I do. This would be an easy fix for lowering ram usage)…

I am going to check this link to, particularly my Kontakt streaming settings…[blog] Clever ways to optimize your plugin usage



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