Any way to map a function without MIDI?

I may be grasping at straws here, but I’m hoping there might be a script or some way to accomplish this:

I use Loop Elements Pro for click tracks at church. There’s a standalone app and a VST that I’ve placed into a global rackspace. The Start/Stop function for the player uses the space bar. I’d like to map that to a button on my controller keyboard (Nektar), but those functions don’t generate any MIDI when I check with the Global MIDI monitor. Those controls also don’t show up as options to be mapped to a widget.

Is there some kind of scripting magic or other idea that might get this done? I realize I’m probably grasping at straws, but any suggestions or help would be appreciated. Thanks.

Not the correct technical answer, but you could map it to a button that does generate midi.
What Nectar is it? Ive got the LX61+ and I know that has profiles, some of which allow programming, others that dont.

I have the Impact LX 88+, which does have mapping functions. Haven’t looked at the documentation in awhile, but I’ll see what might be possible. Thanks for the suggestion.

Good luck. Although I’ve got the 61 version i never really got on with the programming side. It’s very versatile, but at the time i was using it i just used it as a controller for notes and pitch bend etc, never used it full on like i do now with my Arturia’s.

Uhm, if the controls don’t send any messages out, how can a receiving application like GP know that the control was pressed!

What am I missing?

As I said, I realize that without MIDI this probably won’t work, but I thought I’d try a Hail Mary in the hopes that there was some Scripting or OSC type magic that I wasn’t aware of that might work. I have pretty much zero knowledge of scripts.

Yes but your controller still needs to be sending something!

Even GP Script and OSC can’t respond if nothing is sent for them to respond to :slight_smile:

I found the solution!


I’ve seen controllers that can be programmed for certain controls that send QWERTY keyboard messages while other ones send MIDI. I actually have a MIDI controller with a joystick that send mouse movement messages. Certain Pioneer DJ controllers send HID functions as well. I would suggest reading the controller manual to see if it sends anything or it is just a control that changes the behavior or the controller itself.

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