Any Midi Filter/Utility collection?

I’m using GP since a long time for FOH sound and also as musician.
I’m looking for a midi utility plugin suite to manipulate midi events in an advanced way, convert CC to note, note to CC, disable note off only on certain notes, and many other things, etc…

for exemple: today i would like to filter an input midi flow to extract some notes
this would allow me to route them to some plugins and some other notes to route to other plugins. The input midi module allow me to do that but I use the Relayer from ableton so i dont have a filter the midi flow at the output relayer.

I found this suite wich would be perfect: x42 MIDI Filter Collection but not available in VST or AU format.

Any ideas?

So you get MIDI information via the Relayer into Gig Performer?

You could use the MIDI In OSC Plugin and check “Enable MIDI Merge”
This way you can make splits and filtering.

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If you invest the time to learn some basic GP Script, you can create your own MIDI scriptlets that will act as a plugin in Wiring view and perform whatever MIDI transformations you can think of.


Thank you Paul! that is exactly what i’m looking for!!! :+1::+1::+1:

yes you’re right! for now i’m mainly use written scripts that i modify for my needs but i need tp learn how to write it from scratch !