Another Simple Question About Importing/Using (Pre-made) Scriplets

Can someone direct me to a walk through on how to import a scriplet.

I already downloaded the gig file with the (Plugin-persist) scriplet.

I can open the Gig file and I see rackspace with the scriplet.

So, how to I get the scriplet to where I need it?

Do I save the rackspace, import it into my project and then work on copying the scriplet (and maybe the widgets too?)

Or do I import the scriplet itself?



A scriptlet is just a code.
You can open the scriptlet editor and copy the code to your clipboard.
Then in another rackspace include a new scriptlet plugin, open the scriptlet editor, paste the code and compile.
Another way is to save the scriptlet as a favorite and include it in your new rackspace.

Thanks, Paul, I even found a video on using favorites, so I went that route. I highlighted the script block, saved it as a favorite, imported it right in, and duplicated and inserted them between the MIDI in blocks and the audio blocks.

Appreciate it! :grinning:


Hi. I am able to create hidden widgets and link them to the select buttons, but the select button color is white when the rackspace first gets called, then turns blue when I click it, also I have to double click the select button to get GP to respond. I have linked both the plugin widget and the hidden widget to the same select button on the Keylab. If I only try your rackspace and link only the hidden racspace widget to my Keylab select button it responds accordingly. What am I missing? Is there a way to link the hidden widget going to the Scriptlet with the plugin widget? Hope that makes sense, thanks for everything!

Technically, a scriptlet is a plugin so, just like any other plugin, you can save it as a GP Preset and in fact all your scriptlets will just show up as presets in the scriptlet folder or popup menus, etc.