Album recording

Recording a fusion trio album. Two days of basic track recording with bass, drums and guitar.
Gig performer as my bass-preamp. Wonderful, extremely flexible and totally reliable. The RME babyface pro fs interface is 100% rock solid at 32 sample buffer. Not one single glitch, got a stereo mix of guitar and drums and controlled my own monitor mix via Total mix.(rme’s mixer app)


Thanks for sharing. Please keep us updated about the album. :slight_smile:

Sure, will do! Did some bass edits, solo overdubs at myhomestudio today. Again, rock solid, but did get two small clicks when enabling the cab sim in the Ampeg SVT suite

No worries, got rid of the clicks in wavelab very easily, but first time i got any sort of issue (that really wasnt an issue in the end) with the current setup.

All other rackspaces, as well as the ampeg without the cabsim works flawlessly with no clicks.

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