I’m not able to load up AJlabs’ VProm Linndrum VST3i in Gig Performer (vs5.0.20)
on Win11 (23H2); Gig Performer crashes right away.
I’ve been able to load it onto a track in Reaper, all normal there;
am also able to load it into Element plugin-host (Standalone as well as the AAX-version inside Pro Tools).
So the plugin itself seems to work across several platforms, just not Gig Performer.
yes, it crashes a blank gig as well as other gigs.
This is the product page: ALYJAMES LAB ► Creative Music & VST Softwares,
actually a very good LM-1 plugin, as it pitches the EPROM-samples in the same way the original did (by varying the sample rate of the virtual DAC).
I don’t see a trial version so I can’t test it out myself. Perhaps one of the developers will be able to pinpoint what is happening from your crash log.
You may have some luck using plugin-wrappers such as BlueCat Patchwork, DDMF Metaplugin, Nembrini Nexus, or even Audiogridder in local mode(which is free).
I am able to load the VST3-plugin into Kushview’s Element plugin-wrapper inside Gig Performer; it’s just the direct loading of the VST3 into GP that doesn’t work.
Will check the VST2-version; does Gig Performer have a known issue with VST3’s?
(just wondering if I should generally use VST2 over VST3s).
GP is quite a bit more demanding than other hosts, leveraging more of the VST api than most hosts. If some of those other things weren’t tested, there could an issue. Please upload (zipped) the full crashdmp file, not the minidmp
the attached zip had both of the crashfiles (crashdump.dmp and crashrpt.xml) - it was me that named it minidump. The crashdump.dmp is 19Kb; is there a bigger dump-file that I’m missing?
My impression is sometimes there is an issue where the VST3 works better or where the VST2 works better. This generally due to some issue with the plugin that was not optimized right.
So if one causes an issue might as well try to the other format.
(David Jameson, a main GP developer, has noted in the forum he tends to opt for the VST2 versions on his Mac because they have been around longer and been used in more situations. Hopefully I’m not putting words in your mouth, David).
Thanks all;
AJ from AJlabs has confirmed that this is because the VST3 version was compiled with an older SDK; and that the upcoming VProm3 will have the latest version of VST3. In the meantime VST2 works and is solid.