8step widget scale for fader (example)

For the purpose of GP-control of the 8 preamp modes in the Classic Rhodes patch in Keyscape, I created a custom widget scaling curve and assigned it to a fader.

I distributed text-labels for the 8 steps, and the 7 transition points are shown by the arrows in the jpg.

The scaled values correspond to the preamp values in Keyscape Rhodes Classic.

I am aware of the easter egg but I needed some specific values, so I edited my gpscale file to fit my needs.

I would love to share my gpscale file with you:
8step widget scale.gpscale.zip (1.1 KB)

Maybe some of you will find it useful.

8step widget scale


Just ZIP it, and then you should be able to upload the ZIP file. Please let me know if there are some issues with the upload.

Thanks for sharing! :slight_smile:


Thanks @npudar
Here is the zipped gpscale file:
8step widget scale.gpscale.zip (1.1 KB)
I wish that I knew this before posting, because I cannot edit my own post, not yet :slight_smile:

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Try again :slight_smile:

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@npudar Thanks a lot :smiley: Done!

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