2 instances OSC


I’m using the script posted in link above. Only using the show/hide widget part.

I have two instances of GP running with both a connection to Touch Osc (same IP, different ports).
In Touch OSC I’m using 2 radials connected to instance 1, and 2 radials connected to instance 2.
The problem:

  • when one instance switches to a different rackspace it sends out a /clearall message.
  • the radials connected to the other instance also reacts to the /clearall message (and thus dissappear).

Is there a way that the clearall message only react to a specific port or connection?

Nope. You’d have to configure your receiving devices to ignore the generic clearall message and then use GPScript to send specific messages.

Edit: if you’re using GP5 and songs then you wouldn’t need GP Script as you could use song part actions to send explicit messages out