Which type of CPUs perform best with Gig Performer 4?

Much has been written on this topic in this forum, and the info you need is definitely available. To shorten your quest, one of the recent topics should help:

For an outside review that covers the topic for both Intel and AMD, check this link here:

In a nutshell, audio processing requires raw speed and power and does not depend so much on the number of cores a processor has. However, more attention to parallel processing is being made by a number of plug-in manufacturers, with some going beyond that to offload what they can to GPUs if you happen to have a hefty video card in your rig. Fast RAM is also important - some huge sample libraries and the use of multiple voices will stop your rig in it’s tracks. From my personal experience, in order of importance: Speed and power of the CPU; quantity and speed of the RAM; fast Storage (as in fast SSDs); cores; GPU. At the end of the day the determining factor will be what you are running and trying to do. Hope this helps.