Time to support our favorite software on KVR Audio

Enjoy :slight_smile:
Link: Gig Performer Resources

Dear GP users, it is not the time to weaken. Let’s spread the good news: GP is the best! If you haven’t voted yet, please do…

And the nominees are:


I don’t see you ticked your favorite developer :innocent: :smile:

Believe me I did, but it behaves differently. To be sure I did it again, but I get a “waiting” spinning circle… :thinking:

Second place, hot on the heels of the historic winner… that’s a great result!

Even less of a surprise was the choice for Favorite Software for Performance, which was Ableton Live for the fifth year in a row. As in the past it wasn’t close and Live is still a strong finisher in the Favorite DAW for Production category. This year Ableton introduced the dramatically improved Push 3, a well-designed hardware controller for Live that now ships with or without a CPU inside. If you happen to see someone playing a club with no computer, fear not, there actually is one under the hood of that Push.

A special shout out to Deskew’s Gig Performer for snagging second place. It’s a great solution for people who just want to play the instruments, and because it’s cross-platform…