The best way to play pads

Normally, if you just select the other widgets or plugin blocks that you want to be accessible from GPScript and give them Script handles, then you can just trigger the “auto declare” again and the new items will be added automatically.
You should never change the inside of that declaration yourself.

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In the above WIRING screenshot, you can see the Script Handles for the objects. Some rack space widgets also have script handles. SONGKEY labels, etc…

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I noticed that it’s stated that the drone plays the roots and fifths. Looking at the code, it says NN +7, NN-5. Why does that look like Root and Thirds to me? What am I looking at wrong, I’m trying to understand code so I can create my own.
Thanks in advance.

+7 is the fifth of the note. -5 is also the fifth but below the note. Count the semi tones from the note basically.

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Gotcha, I was only counting the notes of the scale!

I noticed that when I trigger a key for the drone, say “C”, it sounds like "D’ being played, any idea what Ive done wrong?

It seems it’s a setting in my Kontakt pad, spitfire pad works correctly

I do this as well in church, with Gig Performer. I use AudioModern’s Riffer (a loopng sequencer) - it has 4 separate single note sequences. The sequencer will start on clock start. I’ll do a root on one sequence, and and a fifth above that on another. Sometimes I will add a 2nd (or 9th) so I have - for a G2 chord - , root at G, D a fifth above the G, and then an A fifth above the D. Set the notes to tie, and leave the very last note in the sequence empty so it cleanly regenerates at start of sequence. That makes a nice open sound. Sometimes I will drop the A an octave to make the pad more dense.

Riffer has 4 simultaneous mono sequences. So I sometimes use the 4th sequence in Riffer and the random note generator (set to very slowly loop), in this case above, set to a D pentatonic major scale. That gives me a G-D-A open chord on sequence 1, 2 and 3 with random notes playing D E F# A B on the 4th sequence That gives me evolving G2 / G6 / G5 / G maj7 chords. Drop the 3rd and 4th sequence to random lighter volumes / velocity, to get more chord movement / variation, use RIffer’s ability to put the 4 sequences out to separate MID channels, send it to 2 or more VST pads, and it is marvelous. Or, set the 4th sequence to play some type of ethereal white noise / ocean wave drones, mixed way back.

Riffer is cross platform, including IOS and OSx

VSTs I use for this? Omnisphere, Dune, NI Kontakt
iOS AUs for pads? (I know, no Gig Performer on iOS…) Zeon, Digitalism, Syntronik, Synthscaper