Synth Patch Change via Variation or Rackspace?

To confirm, like this?

BTW, I notice that the file save dialog via this route defaults to ‘Preset.gpp_internal’.

Was it considered undesirable for some reason to use the object’s name by default?

Suppose you have a plugin that is a Minimoog so the object name is “Minimoog”, say.

Your Minimoog can have lots of different sounds - a bass, a lead, wind, etc. You can save each of those different sounds as GP presets — you’re not going to call them all “Minimoog”

A scriptlet is no different. It is a plugin. It can have parameters in it — so depending on what you create, a single scriptlet can do lots of different things. For example, if we wrote a scriptlet to do similar things as that PIZ Transform (which by the way would be quite easy), you might have a scriptlet that converts notes to program changes, another one that restricts the velocity of a note to some definable range, another one that converts aftertouch into a CC message with a defined CC number and a sensitivity. You’ll save each of those as presets to easily reuse them. You’re not going to call any of them “Transform”

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Makes sense. Thanks much!

NoteToPC.gpp_internal suits me much better than pizmidi because it’s simple and does only what I want.

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I would add that the last part of extension is an indicator of the kind of plugin. Also, presets are stored in a hierarchy that reflects the plugin for which they are intended – if you look at the attached image you can see that there are VST3s, a VST (2.4) and the others, all under Deskew, are “internal”

Also note that presets show up in the Popup Menu as well as the Quick Plugin Finder.

Further, presets contain enough information so that if you just drag one in to a rackspace, GP will know what plugin to create before applying the preset

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Not sure if this is really connected but you were talking about global midi assignment, so my question is it possible to assign global midi let’s say next variation/next song from multiple devices? I can assign only one right now if I’m not wrong? It would be nice to have a backup if my pedal stop working for some reason. I would assign a button on master keyboard as a backup.
To answer to OP, I experimented with the program changes withing variations, and it was not a good idea, instead I would make a rack spaces for each of the program changes and then put the songs parts with different racks if you want to have it organized. Also much easier to control the volume or else since you have to press save each time you make changes. In rack spaces changes stays when you change the rackspace, until you leave GP and not click save on exit.