
You didn’t want to take the risk to try with “true”, but do you really want to take the risk to play live with the script? :grimacing:

@David-san Did you try my Rackspace?
DIVISI - WHo’s FIRST.rackspace (574.6 KB)

How do I do that?

Although we are willing to explain a lot of things, you might consider reading the documentation. It’s really readable, you know.

Someone told me: “Read the book, don’t wait for the movie” :grinning:


I don’t understand what’s going on here — this is basic Gig Performer 101

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Of course, I understand this :sweat_smile:

I was referring to @David-san’s post, “Furthermore, a Scriptlet is not the right place to refer to a widget, that’s not the spirit of the Scriptlet which is a plugin. Declare a parameter and map a widget to it.” … and I understand that you can’t refer to a widget directly from within a Scriptlet.

However, I created a widget and then mapped it to a parameter within my Sciptlet. I can then move that widget programmatically from within my Scriptlet. So, I am not referring to a widget from within my Scriptlet?

No, the other way around. You are referring to a parameter in your scriptlet from the widget — the scriptlet itself (or indeed any plugin) has no idea what widget is attached to a plugin parameter. You could have 20 widgets mapped to the same parameter of a plugin.

Ahhhhh, that’s my problem. Thank you :slight_smile:

You are not referring to a widget: You are changing a parameter in your scriptlet, and, “by incident”, you mapped that param… Oh… @dhj was faster than me