Reusing global AU instrument instances

Hi @TheWWT. How many parameters in your global rackspace are you looking to change in local rackspaces? If it’s not a long list, then a fairly simple GP Script should be able to handle the reset of the global rackspace widget to its default value (if there isn’t a widget overriding it in a local rackspace).

It will require you to edit the global rackspace script each time you have a new parameter/widget you want to override in the local rackspaces. But you won’t need to edit anything for new local rackspaces that you add that don’t need to override the global widget.


Reset Global Widget When No Local Override.gig (120.1 KB)

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While @rank13’s suggestion will work fine, unless you have a huge number of global parameters, you could just always have a panel in each of your regular rackspaces where the widgets are mapped to global widgets (remember that widgets in the global rackspace behave just like plugin parameters and so can be mapped to widgets in your rackspaces just like you map plugin parameters)

Then, when you load a rackspace, the widgets in that panel can “drive” the global widgets to reset them any way you want.

Thanks for the sample gig-file.

I guess it will apply the default value to any existing local rackspaces as well, not just new ones. Right? Would be great if so.
This should solve the problem :+1:t3:. I still believe you should consider adding this feature to the product (i.e. without having to manage it through scripting).
Ref: Reusing global AU instrument instances - #10 by rank13

I could be wrong but I don’t think this would address the problem with managing existing rackspaces as described here: Reusing global AU instrument instances - #29 by mahelm

Obviously we are always interested in anything that will improve the experience for users so we appreciate your suggestion. In the meantime, one of the benefits of GPScript is the ability to support functionality beyond what already exists through the GUI so even if it’s a bit of effort, depending on familiarity or not with GPScript, the mechanism you need is at least feasible.


After taking a step back from the challenges I was facing, I realized that I was probably approaching my overall problem in the wrong way. I was trying to have a piano, a B3, a Rhodes, and some effects (distortion, chorus, phaser, delay, reverb) in the GR, and then have local rackspaces that turn the instruments and effects on an off, set the parameters, etc., including having variations. While that may be technically possible, and the suggestions above certainly are welcome and useful (THANK YOU!!!), I decided to go a different direction.

I realized that I generally only play one instrument at a time per song, but there are variations between songs, especially for songs where I play B3 or electric piano. Between my two bands, I have to support a repertoire of 100+ tunes, most of which have a unique instrument (less frequently) or variation of a particular core instrument, like a piano, EP, or B3 (most frequently).

I simply created a local rackspace per instrument, all with a single variation I named “Default”. For each instrument, I exposed all the parameters that vary from song to song in one or more panels.

I then went to setlist view, added songs to the All Songs setlist, and associated each song with the rackspace built for the instrument I use in that song. I then tweaked the knobs and sliders in the panel as needed for each song, and saved the tweaks using the save icon in the top right of setlist view. Easy peasy. I just had to think differently.

I have all kinds of ideas for feature improvements having gone through all this, so I’ll be looking for that topic elsewhere in this forum. Suffice it to say, creating a panel for the B3 is made more painful by having to deal with the drawbars as individual widgets.

It would be nice to have a feature that simplified managing drawbars or any other groups of like widgets, such as a grouping of buttons, faders, knobs, etc. It would also be nice if you could copy and paste multiple widgets at a time, and even nicer if copies/duplicates retained the mappings of the widgets from which they were copied.

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  • clic drag a drawbar to your panel without releasing it
  • press the number key 9
  • than drop the drawbar
    => you will get a set of drawbars arranged as it should for a B3 :wink:
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If you drag a single drawbar widget and press 9, you’ll get an entire set of drawbars with the right colors

There’s also a pre-made panel called Hammond with 9 drawbars that you can load.

If you drag a single drawbar widget and press 9, you’ll get an entire set of drawbars with the right colors

That’s awesome. I don’t know if I will have to create another B3 panel since I already built mine, but you never know! Thanks!!!

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Nothing wrong with playing 20 instruments in one. each song PART can be associated with a different instrument and you can have as many song parts as you want. You can split your chorus in 5 parts if you wanted or needed it.

For song parts where you may need more than one instrument because you say use splits - just create a rackspace with say Piano, Strings and a Sax for example and then use widgets to switch their respective MIDI in blocks on and off.

You’ve now certainly set things up properly and efficiently though. So nothing really wrong with having multiple instruments either play at once or as a split as long as you’re aware that if you don’t need 5 instruments in your “piano” rackspace - use the approach - one sound type per rackspace, just like you’re doing it now.