OSC - Port troubleshooting / discussion of OSC alternatives for internal communication


This is kinda the key point, scripting is a fantastic feature of GP as it allows anyone to extend GPs functionality and overcome specific scenarios that wouldn’t make sense for the devs to build features for, as they are so specific.

But it’s a balance: Above all GP has to be stable - for the intended audience of people performing live, that is the feature they value the most. And I suspect most users who are not programmers find the scripting component adequate for their needs, so adding additional technical features unlikely to be used by many is probably not a high priority. (Particularly if it introduces ways for non technical users to misunderstand their use and make their rig unstable or slow to reactt)

Fortunately, it’s possible to create extensions - which neatly silos building complex rig functionality into a domain where programming experience is required.

Having said that, it’s always good to hear suggestions on features - without feedback the Devs are never going to know what users consider important.

One feature discussed does seem like it would be useful more generally:

  1. A ‘State’ widget that can hold multiple widget values, without any GUI parts. Having to add multiple hidden GUI components to do this does seem a bit clunky.

BTW I use VS Code + this excellent extension, and make use of Include statements to manage and re-use code. It is a bit basic, as the final code is “thrown together” in one block, but using naming conventions helps.

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