Octave-transpose with radio buttons

Thanks for the tip @schamass and @dhj ,

I’ve used the radio button technique to select the inversion to be used in triads that are auto generated from a root note. When that worked as desired I tried to make a key selector in more or less the same way. It looks like this.

It is a horizontal slider, which floating point value gets scaled to an integer between 0 and 11. Then if the modifier is released the SetWidgetValue() function is used to center the slider in steps of 1/11, such that it aligns with the keyboard I drew underneath it. It sort of works, but I’m not entirely satisfied. Is there a nicer way to do this?
The function is as follows:

On WidgetValueChanged(newVal : double) from key
var roundedVal : double
key_centre = ScaleRange (newVal, 0, 11)
roundedVal = IntToFloat(key_centre)/11
if selKey != key_centre
  then selKey = key_centre
       SetWidgetValue (key, roundedVal)