NoteMatrix script for Kontakt

And what’s the use case for this, triggering chords with drum pads?

Why coudln’t you use 4 NoteConverter Scriptets for this? I don’t see why it shoudln’t work… :thinking:

Use case is not triggering chords with a drum pad, but to allow a player to trigger multiple different drum sounds with one “hit,” such as an orchestra percussion strike. Perhaps not useful for a kit drummer, but very useful for a high school marching band short on personnel.

As you noted, this could be achieved with multiple instances of Note Converter, or using multiple MIDI input blocks transposed to different notes, or using a plugin such as Ripchord or NoteMapper

True that I’m able to achieve the desired results using any of the above.

Creazy, I would love to see this :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye: :+1: :+1:

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Will see what I can do!