Midi Controller help

I confirm I tested ‘Signed Number’ without my script and it didn’t work.

Could you please start from a new gig file, turn once your controller knob left and turn it once right and post a screenshot of a MIDI monitor when doing this with and without the relative mode correction of Rig Manager?

I tried your suggestion and it worked!

In addition, I found the real problem in my gig file. As it turns out I had the ‘invert’ button enabled. Turning that off with Signed Magnitude and no script ->> success.

Whew. After all this debugging, I can say my understanding of GP and midi has increased 10x. Just sorry I had to do this publicly in a forum eating up your valuable time.

Appreciate your patience in getting to the real solution.


This is a community forum. Others who may encounter a similar problem will be very grateful for these comments so no need to be sorry.

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I can’t help it… I’m Canadian! :wink:

You are welcome :wink:

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