How to pitchbend with the pitch wheel in the MIDI Helper Tool?

From my own experience, generators never stops exactly where you want them to stop. If you want to use a generator make sure it stops after the value you want to reach, and clip the pitchbend value to the final value you want to reach when it exceeds it.

I usually prefer using the On TimerTick(ms : double) callback together with the TimeSinceStartup() function which give you an amount of ms since the start up.

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How would you clip the pitchbend value to the final value you want to reach when it exceeds it, and how would you use the On TimerTick(ms : double) callback together with the TimeSinceStartup() ?

There’s another callback that triggers when the ramp finishes and you could respond to that to send out the final pitch end value you want.

How do you do that?

Modify the currently empty callback GeneratorEndCycle in that scriptlet

On GeneratorEndCycle(time : integer) from r

so that it looks like this

On GeneratorEndCycle(time : integer) from r
    newPitchMessage : PitchBendMessage = MakePitchBendMessage(StopPitch)


Have you considered learning a bit of GP Script programming?

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I hope to have the time to learn it. Thank you SO much in the meantime.

Sorry about this, I thought it is obvious for you if you already have some programming skills.

But using On GeneratorEndCycle is also a very good idea. I forgot about it.

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It works GREAT ! :tiger:

OK - so your problem is solved completely now?

Yes, GigPerformer is a pleasure to work with and its capabilities and stability are amazing. I wrestled with Forte and Bome Midi Translator Pro and Copperlan etc, etc, etc for years and now I can configure a setup and recall it without holding my breath wondering whether it’s going to work. Thank you! :fireworks: