Exclusive bypass?

Ah, yes. Indeed, not available.

yes, but you can’t do both things at once, “solo” and “bypass” because you can’t link radio buttons groups to a widget (at least to do that)

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Grouping radio buttons with regular buttons would require that the regular buttons could not actually be changed other than by the radio buttons. They would have to ignore variations as well.

So they would basically be slaves to the radio buttons. Is that restriction acceptable?

Would be nice if they would work with variations as well…

Slaves to the radio buttons, sounds good at first, but how to make sure, their number is equal to each other? Say you’d have five radio buttons but tried to group them with three “normal” buttons?
What should happen then?
I think, this would only work properly on a 1:1 or n:n relationship.
Difficult topic! :thinking:

There doesn’t have to be an equal number if the regular widgets are “read-only” and can only be changed by radio buttons. Variations make no sense when widgets cannot be changed other than by radio buttons.

Being slaves to the radio buttons is perfectly fine, as a matter of that’s exactly what I generally want. Those other widgets are actually usually hidden. I just want certain “things” to happen only and if certain radio buttons are activated. And yes, while it usually is, it doesn’t have to be equal number of radio(master)/slave buttons.

Lol - so much more elegant than mine. Please update yours to be the solution so people see the better pattern for the script. :grinning:

And with yours you would only need to create a radio group for the solo widgets and not the bypass widgets since the radio group “exclusive” solo will drive value changed events for all the solo buttons (and then the script affects the corresponding bypass) when any one is changed.