Dynamic composition of a SysEx message with variable content and length

i know…

i have to have arturia midiport active , there are two 1 is standard midi, if i turn this one off nothing at all happpens.
the second one is for daw control wich is disabled,
what id did in arturias midiprogamming (separate programm on win) is i changed the pads from notes to PC thats all.
i tried now by loading a default arturia user preset - same thing.
i can go on user mode (on the mkII) the sliders and knobs show values
but only the names of the slider and the value it sends
but not the corresponding names to the active synth therefore it is useless.
i believe i have to go “second small computer screen” mode with a
“make-a-button-to-open-close-the- vst” widget @schamass is fiddling around with - so the keyboarder see`s it there,
not to forget cover arturias display with ducktape (hunderttausendjaulendehöllenhunde :face_with_symbols_over_mouth:)