Widgets buttons sticking in gp3

Perhaps once the associated action or callback call has been initiated on a rising or falling edge ?

Really, I thought it is the same as a momentary one with a different mechanics. I have no latching controller… But you have to be able to distinguish the two different states, it cannot stay to ON forever?!..

That’s precisely how a latching button works. It stays ON forever unless you push it again.
Every stomp-box midi controller works this way by default so you can switch your effects on/off whenever you want.

as far as converting a latching physical controler to a momentary widget, you could have that option with a sub menu where you choose milliseconds or even bars and beats for the momentary hold time

OK, I understand. So you can definitely consider the change of state (whatever the initial state) as the action that act on a momentary widget.

change of state of a latching controller = momentary widget pushed (and released after the related action/callback call is executed)

Yes, and truly, I don’t think this timing is critical, because often, you want to do something on a rising edge…