Widget properties - Scrollbar missing?

Not sure if this is a Mac version issue or a general issue, so I posted it here.

13" Macbook air, when editing widgets on the laptop screen, the edit panel often has controls that extend beyond the visible boundary of the panel, but there’s no horisontal scroll. In order to see what’s there, I have to make the widget list panel smaller, and I guess even then I can never be sure if there are more options hiding even further to the right.

I assume this is either a feature that has gone missing, or an oversight? Would it be possible to fix this in an upcoming version? A simple horisontal scroll bar should solve this.

Forgot the screenshot, and looks like I can’t edit my post:

You can make the left section section smaller by clicking on right the window border right of the scroll bar and drag the mouse to the left.

I know, but surely that’s not the intended design solution here?

When you reduce the main GP window in size to its smallest possible horizontal width, that solution is not enough to show the entire contents of the Widget Properties area. This should probably be addressed.

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horizontal scroll bar on that might work.
or set a max horizontal resizing (smallest it can be) to not allow so much resizing that elements in the widget properties are covered without scrollbar.