Widget Link Group - how to off by one?

So I am trying to create a split keyboard patch and setup two linked widgets to modify the split point.
MaxNote knob widget - for the upper note of the lower range
MinNote knob widget - for the lower note of the higher range
Linking them together in widget group A works and they move together.

what i would like to achieve is have them off by one - so I don’t have a note (the note in the middle at the split point) be played by both the lower and upper range plugins.

MaxNote B2 (for the lower range of the split point)
Min Note C3 (for the higher range of the split point)

The problem is as soon as I link them, they take the same value, and I can’t maintain that off by one relation i need for this widget group.

I am sure the solution to this must be common - I just have not found it yet.
I appreciate the help.

I would recommend scripting for this, so that when the min widget changes value, the max widget changes to (min + 1 increment) --which on a full scale widget is 1/128—if you limit the scale it would be 1 divided by the number of increments in your scale.

could someone write that script. i don’t know how to write it.
i would appreciate it.

It would look something like this:

   min : Widget
   max : Widget

On WidgetValueChanged(newValue : double) from min
    SetWidgetValue(max,newValue + 0.0078)

You should take some time to learn basic scripting. You can do a lot of things that aren’t UI-provided with just a small amount of scripting knowledge.


do i need to put the gpscript handle on the knob widgets as min and max?
ill try that.

oh ok - i had to open the rackspace script editor, yes i did plpace the gpscript handle on those widgets.
i also had to modify to go - 0.0078 instead of +.
and now it is working properly.
looks like i can hide one of the widgets - and control the split point from one single widget.
fantastic!. thank you.

here is the article documenting this to not forget it later.