Why would the plug in transmit to the audio driver

So there is a sound that plays in the plugin when I press the key - and when the midi controller is pressed it also triggers the plug in - BUT the sound is not leaving the plug in to the audio (in other words the orange wires light up - but the blue does not) - and only the one I circled.

Most likely because the MIDI channel your controller is sending is NOT the channel on which the plugin responds.

You can use global MIDI monitor to see what MIDI is coming in or put a MIDI Monitor block after your MIDI In block.

I have had this happen to me a few times. Can’t explain why it happened, nor reproduce it purposely. Only seems to happen with Sample players like Halion for me.

Is Halion multi-timbral?

What we have seen (quite often) is customers using controllers with a MIDI channel other than channel 1.

Most plugins (non-multi-timbral) are fine with that, they don’t care about the MIDI channel. But some plugins (typically but not always) multi-timbral plugins need the MIDI messages to arrive on a specific channel, the default usually being channel 1. If the user’s controller is not set to MIDI channel 1 then using such a plugin will fail.

We have seriously considered changing the default behavior of the MIDI In block so that all incoming channels get remapped to MIDI channel 1 so that things will (hopefully) just work for new users regardless of how their controllers are configured but unfortunately that opens up other problems if users don’t deeply understand how their systems work. For example, some controllers send MIDI messages on multiple channels and if everything is remapped to channel one, you’ll get audio issues due to the same notes being retriggering.

Yes, Halion is, although in these cases im using just one channel, mapped to midi channel 10. Controller is sending on ch10 (I used the pads on my Arturia keyboards). I can see the keys on the on-screen keyboard in Halion are getting pressed, so midi side is working fine, but no sound will come out. If I press on the keys with the mouse I get the audio out.
The thing is, this does work 99% of the time, so it’s not a set up issue as I have always double checked that it’s correct. In fact ive also used this as a favourite, so i know it’s wired correctly. and ive only had this happen when creating Rackspaces, never during a gig etc.
The way I fix it is to just remove the plugin and wires and re add them.

That is totally weird and shouldn’t happen. Can you reproduce this?
I’ve used pads myself on channel 10 - I’ve never seen it not work.

No, that’s the thing, I can’t reproduce it at all. Everything checks out at the time. Other rackspaces using the same plugin are working fine, and other plugins in the rackspace are fine.
It’s not happened for a while so I can’t say for sure what I did, but I have about 10 rackspaces that all use this set up and all work fine 100% of the time.

That looks like @Narf 's rackspace for that song. It is using Arturia’s Emulator II V with a .WAV file sample. Could it be that the WAV file isn’t always getting loaded or is unavailable?

It is narfs- it was playing fine on the controller then stopped - but the blue wires don’t light up

When I use the computer to trigger the sound on the plug in - it plays the sample

What did you trigger ?
The keys shown in the MIDI In Block?

Not sure what I did - but I just copied and pasted the block to a new Rackspace - using the sample and building a single no change program to mimic what I do on my NOrd

Double click on “Sample” which generally opens the VST interface. Look to see if it is complaining it can’t find the WAV file:

If it is unable to locate the file, you can click “Locate” and navigate your file system to direct it to that file. It comes with @Narf 's package.