UVI workstation causing GP4 to crash

I use a PC to make my GP4 performance sets. I then syncronize those .gig files to my gigging laptop. Both are Windows 10.

Sometimes I update the .gig file on my laptop, and syncronize back the other way.

I had a set that wouldn’t load on my PC, it would just crash GP4. Worked fine on my laptop. I then tried importing the individual rack spaces in the set, and the ones with UVI workstation running B5 (a B3 emulator) would crash GP4.

I checked the plugin versions, and my laptop had a later version. I found an updated UVI workstation version on their website, downloaded and updated both my laptop and my PC. Now the set loads with no issues on my PC (and laptop), no GP4 crash.

The takeaway is that GP4 should not be crashing. It should be telling us that there’s a plugin issue. I used trial and error to figure this out.

In a crash report you should find the problematic plugin when a crash occurs.

Thx, I’ll check out the crash report option.

Regardless, the program shouldn’t crash. That should be fixed. It could have loaded my other rackspaces that didn’t have that plugin.

I understand what you mean, but that would need a sandbox mechanism like for example BitWig does.
But that would impact overall performance and CPU usage.
And for a live software that would not be really desired.
And I am sure when you open a project for example in logic and the wrong plugin state is loaded => Logic will crash also.

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