Streaming Audio Player with imported tempo map?

Hi everyone, I’m currently working on using Gig Performer on stage for a show I’m doing of my own music. I wanna use a backing track for extra instruments such as synth pads and orchestral instruments, so I need to be able to playback the backing track and have a metronome outputed to our ears at the same time.

Thing is, some songs are very complex tempo-wise, varying all the time and programming all that as markers would be a PAIN. I’d wanna use the Streaming Audio Player for convenience during practice (going forward and back) and on-stage (switching patches automatically), so here is my question :
Is there a way to either playback two songs simultaneously on the streaming audio player like we can on the regular one? (so I would just need to import a tempo track from the recording session on the 2nd channel) OR
Is there a way to import a tempo map to import onto the streaming audio player so that it changes the actual metronome of Gig Performer?

Any help on this topic would be really appreciated!

Thank you.

The SAFP isn’t capable of playing multiple tracks at once, but what keeps you from simply using two (or more) instances of the SAFP and start them together (using grouped widgets for transport functions)?

The only issue with this I think would be in a rehearsal situation, if I wanted to manually skip through the track by clicking with the mouse? I could use the transport functions, but I have a 32-minute song that might take a while if I do it this way?