I’m once again asking for help from you fine Gentlemen. Perhaps I’ll describe what I’m trying to achieve, because my approach is probably wrong, since it doesn’t work. I’d like to trigger two different guitar presets in any given song. During the rhythm section I’d like my guitar to be panned to the left using the preset named Rob’s Rhythm, and during the lead section I’d like my guitar to be coming out in stereo using the preset Rob’s Lead. The problem is, in both variations GP uses the same preset. The variation named Lead and variation named Rhythm both play the same preset. So I loaded a second instance of Gojira, each with the correct settings, but Rackspace doesn’t memorize the different wiring settings. I’d rather be using only one instance of Gojira, if there is a way of making GP save those changes? Lastly, I would like the guitar presets to switch when certain markers are reached in the Audio Stream. In other words switch to the Lead sound when the audio stream comes to the marker named “Lead”, if that’s possible? My approach is probably wrong, so if someone could lead me on to the right path, it would be greatly appreciated. Here are some screenshots that might help you visualize the problem.
Variations only store widget changes. Use different Rackspaces for this. Don’t try to save CPU or whatever, GP does it for you
Thank you, I will give that a try. But before I do, can the audio streamer trigger a switch to a different Rackspace?
If you want the SAP to continue when you change rackspaces, I think you would need to put it in the Global Rackspace (I think a lot of people do that).
(But, maybe wait for others to confirm I am correct.)
This is documented - action number 20
Thank you for pointing me in the right direction.
Now that I have it sort of working, does anyone else experience weird noises and distortion when switching Rackspaces, between two instances of the same plugin? It’s definitely not a smooth transition.
To smooth the transition of sound when switching rackspaces, there is a certain amount of time when both rackspaces are technically active, depending on your settings for Output fading. If your machine is having trouble with that increase in CPU activity during that time, then you’d get noises, pops etc.
I know that Neural DSP plugins (which is what you’re using) can be CPU intensive, which is why I brought this up as a possible cause.
Is there anything at all, that I can do to mitigate these horrible noises, when switching Rackspaces? Adjust my latency, or any Pro tips for increasing performance? Because as is, I can’t use this in a “Live” situation where these noises are blasting through the FOH speakers! It would be a catastrophe! I’m using ASIO drivers and my latency is set to 96 Samples 2.2 milliseconds. I was really hoping to use this “Live”, but I guess it’s not feasible? I mean I could switch to different virtual guitar amp, if you think Neural DSP is the issue, but I REALLY like that Gojira amp, it’s really a powerful amp.
96 samples?
Try 128 samples or higher.
You probably won’t notice the latency until its much higher, and all you’re doing is stressing your CPU with no perceivable advantage.
What sample rate are you running? You should be able to run at 44.1k sample rate and 128 buffer size with no impact. What audio interface are you using and how much does it add to the total latency?
What kind of computer (speed wise), what kind of interface?
I’ve tried 128 Samples, and 192 Samples at 44.1khz, the issue still persists, maybe this Program is best designed to work with Synth Presets, not Virtual Guitar Amp Presets? I’m hesitant to go any higher than that, because it becomes hard to play the guitar at that latency. What about approaching this another way? Instead of using two Rackspaces, is there a way to switch the Virtual Amp Preset as a variation? Maybe that transition wouldn’t have the associated noise? Any thoughts?
We have lots of guitarists using GP with plugins from NeuralDSP, S-Gear and other such developers.
I repeat my previous questions — what kind of computer are you using, what interface, what audio driver, etc
I did test at 128 Samples, 44.1khz and the issue persisted, even up to 192 Samples, it was still there. This is an older computer I’ll give you that. But I’m only testing on this system to see if it’s viable for my “Live” Tablet. The system specs. are I5 3,30 GHZ,with 4 gigs of RAM.The audio Interface is not that great either (again for testing purposes) But it can get very low latency settings, and is very stable. It’s a Yamaha Steinberg USB ASIO. I can upload my test .gig file, if people have the Neural DSP plugins, Gojira and Nolly, to see if they experience the same noise?
I guess no one’s interested in helping on this one? But if anyone has any other ideas on setting this up, please let me know. Maybe a completely different approach?
Please be patient. It is not that people are not interested. People are busy. I can’t speak for others in the community but most people only have time to check the forums once/twice a day and if there are a lot of posts, they can only look at (and perhaps respond to) a few users at a time.
As far as your machine goes, while I’m not a Windows expert, 4 gigs of RAM will be completely insufficient. As has been noted by many people in the Microsoft community:
- for Windows 10 Pro*. the operating system will use 3GB - 3.5GB of RAM
If you only have 4Gb, then Windows is going to spend a lot of time swapping code in and out of RAM to your drives and that will absolutely impact any real-time behavior.
A bare minimum would be 8Gb and most users will want to have at least double that amount, specially on Windows.
I don’t know anything about that particular interface or how good (or not) are its drivers, but the ability to specify low latency settings does not mean that the system can deliver on that specification. If you’re using plugins that require a lot of processing power then you probably need lots of RAM and a significantly higher end audio interface.
I’ve had problems with clicks and pops even at high latencies with a very nice audio interface when the audio clock wasn’t sync’d. I wonder if that’s the issue here.
One thing for sure, it’s an interface or setup problem, not a Gig Performer problem.
Rob, 4GB seems completely insufficient to me.
On my office computers doing little more than word processing and surfing the web, I want at least 16GB of ram
I use a fair amount of sample heavy libraries and like to keep everything in a single (large) gig file. I am glad I have 64 GB of ram.
I would see what your options are in terms of adding ram.to your system.
[I have not read everything in this thread].
Neural DSP plugins are very CPU intensive. If you watch GP’s CPU meter in the upper-right corner when you change rackspaces, what percentage does it reach? On my Intel MacBook, if it ever hits 50% then I am likely to hear cracks/pops.
This is part of the reason why I use ToneX - it is very light on CPU. Same with S-Gear.